If you are thinking of taking up a career in the audiology field and would like to study in Spain, this article will provide you with information on the major higher education centres that offer two-year programmes in hearing prosthetics and the employment opportunities these studies can bring.
What you will learn on the Hearing Aid Specialist programme
In order to gain the Técnico Superior en Audiología Protésica (Hearing Aid Specialist) diploma, you will study how to select, fit and adapt ear protectors and hearing aids by measuring hearing loss and analysing middle ear function.
You will also learn to provide follow-up care and advise the patient and their family on how best to maintain the hearing device.

Entry requirements
There are two ways to access the Grado Superior en Audiología Protésica (Hearing Aid Specialist) programme:
- Direct access: having successfully completed the Spanish Bachillerato (equivalent to British A-levels or the last two years of American high school) or equivalent studies, or obtained a university diploma or equivalent certification.
- Entrance exam: having passed a specific exam for higher education programmes or the university entrance exam for mature students (aged 25 or over).
Education centres that offer the Hearing Aid Specialist programme
There are several higher education centres in Spain that allow students to study and train to become a hearing aid specialist:
Asociación Nacional de Audioprotesistas (Spanish Association of Hearing Aid Specialists)
You will find a link to a list of education centres in Spain that offer the Hearing Aid Specialist course on the ANA website. There is also an interactive map that allows you to select the region you are interested in:

Universidad Europea de Madrid (European University of Madrid)
The Hearing Aid Specialist programme at UME stands out for the hands-on training it offers students from the first year and provides 1,000 hours of experience by means of placements in clinics. This university has a simulated hospital and four clinical centres that are equipped with the latest technology.
CEU Instituto Superior de Estudios Profesionales (CEU Vocational Training Institute)
The San Pablo CEU University Foundation offers students advanced vocational training on their Grado Superior en Audiología Protésica course, which combines on-site and remote learning. On this hands-on course, you will also enjoy placements in major companies in the sector and have access to exclusive facilities that are dedicated specifically to student training. The institute also offers a job bank with employment opportunities that allow students to further develop their skills in top companies.
mope is a an official training centre (Centro de Formación Oficial) that specializes in audiology studies and offers a specific course for future hearing aid specialists: Ciclo Formativo de Técnico Superior en Audiología Protésica. Online classes are available throughout Spain and there are some in-person sessions on Saturdays.
This search portal provides access to a list of universities and higher education centres that offer certified courses for future hearing aid specialists, including online options. You can also consult the costs of private and public courses.
Employment opportunities for hearing aid specialists
Hearing aid specialist: a career with a future. According to the 2008 Encuesta de discapacidad, autonomía personal y situaciones de dependencia (EDAD) (Survey on disability, personal autonomy and dependency situations) by the INE (National Statistics Institute), there are more than 1 million people with hearing disabilities of different types and levels of severity in Spain. Therefore, there is an increasing demand for hearing aid specialists.
Once you have completed your studies, you will be qualified to carry out a range of different jobs in the audiology field, such as:
- Hearing aid technician
- Hearing aid specialist/dispenser
- Hearing test technician
- Earmold technician
- Audiometrist
Remember that once you have completed your course, you will have the opportunity to specialize further in this profession.

Specialization course in audiology
During the 13th edition of the International Workshop on Advances in Audiology, the University of Salamanca announced its intention to launch a new course aimed at medical graduates and engineers. Its university-level audiology specialization course is the first of its kind in Spain. Students on the course will be awarded a Specialization Diploma in Audiology by the University of Salamanca upon completing the required 36 ECTS credits. Unlike other countries, university-level studies in audiology had not been available in Spain until now.
Have you decided where you will undertake your audiology studies? Would you like to recommend another centre that offers this type of training? We would love to hear all about it, so please leave a comment!
I work as an audiology nurse with little experience independently at the moment because of personal constrain. It is only major health fertility in the whole of region.
I need so educated and trained in field so as I can back to serve my community professionally and compently.
I need a full guide and support.
Good morning Baboucarr, actually this article talkd about studying to become a “hearing aid specialist” in Spain. But there are many centres specialized all over the world. We really hope you find yours! 🙂
Excellent blog post! It provides valuable information and guidance on pursuing a career as a hearing aid specialist. The content is well-organized, concise, and easy to understand. A must-read for anyone considering this field as it offers insightful tips and resources.
Thank you very much for the feedback, really appreciate it!
Good evening,
I currently have a bachelor’s degree in speech and language pathology, a master’s degree in Audiology and a doctor of Audiology (AuD) degree from the United States. I have worked for over 20 years as an Audiologist in the U.S. and in the Netherlands. My degrees are not able to be homologated by the ministry of education as there has not been this program before in Spain. As you have the curriculum, is there anyone in your institution who could give me advice. I wish to start my own hearing aid clinic here in Spain.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Warm regards,
Thanks for your comment, Lonneke! Given the unique nature of your qualifications, seeking advice from local audiology associations, healthcare experts, and networking with professionals in Spain can be valuable in your pursuit of establishing a hearing aid clinic.