While this is probably one of the least known medical positions, it is also one that will play a pivotal role in the future. Below we explain what an hearing aid specialist is, and what they do.

Actualidad y consejos sobre salud auditiva / News and tips on hearing health
While this is probably one of the least known medical positions, it is also one that will play a pivotal role in the future. Below we explain what an hearing aid specialist is, and what they do.
Hearing loss is usually associated with aging, although noise, poor hygiene practices and infections are some of the most common factors that can also affect our ears and hearing. In most cases, hearing loss develops gradually, and sometimes we are unaware that we are experiencing small changes in our hearing ability.
5% of the world’s population suffers from disabling hearing loss, but in some cases, prevention can be the best solution. Here we explain how you can prevent hearing loss and improve your hearing health.
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